Our Systems


Available resources of energy are limited, therefore we help our customers to successfully manage the transition from existing fossil fuels to renewable energy. We supports customers to increase the efficiency of power generation, power transmission and power distribution by reducing energy losses associated herewith. We also examines patterns of energy consumption to fully take into consideration future energy use. We has the experience to structure the right management concept from turnkey to BOT. Our target is to achieve highest efficiency, cost effectiveness and sustainability for our customers. With the extensive knowledge acquired we have the capability to develop and implement comprehensive solutions for efficient drinking water supply and wastewater disposal as well as for customised state-of-the-art wastewater management. More>>


In many countries, water scarcity represents a critical constraint to food production and a major cause of poverty and hunger. Improved water management holds the key to producing enough food to alleviate the suffering of today and feed an additional 3 000 million people by the year 2030 (Estimation of population for 2016 is 7.4 Billion). Poorly managed irrigation contributes to water shortages and pollution, land degradation and the spread of waterborne diseases.

In many regions, water is being pumped out of the ground for irrigation faster than it can be replenished. Much of this water is wasted. As much as 60 percent of the water withdrawn for irrigation often does not reach the crop. It is lost through canal leakage, spillage, infiltration and unproductive evaporation, although some of this water reaches the river or groundwater, allowing it to be used by others downstream. More>>